德领馆至今悬挂木刻画 宋庆龄抗议迫害犹太人 . 001
Woodcut Showing Soong Ching-ling Protesting against Judenhetze is Still
Hangingin the German Consulate
何凤山奋笔签证 犹太人虎口逃生 . 008
He Fengshan Issued Visas against All Odds, Helping Jews Flee from the
Clutches of Death
如果不是上海 我不可能活着 . 017
I Would not Be Alive But for Shanghai
上海不要签证 避难幸运八年 . 030
Not a Visa Needed, Shanghai Provided Easy Access to 8-Year Refuge
永远感恩上海 拯救我的生命 . 036
Perpetual Gratitude for Shanghai for Saving My Life
不安中初识上海 烧竹席引来日军 . 044
Arriving in Shanghai in Turbulence, the Refugees’ Attempt of Bamboo Mat Burning
Attracted the Japanese over
亲眼见到日寇施暴 一刀砍下父亲胡子 . 052
The Japanese Invaders Committed Violence―A Jewish Child Witnessed her Father’s
Beard Chopped off in a Cut
华沙屠夫来沪屠犹 罪恶计划幸未实施 . 058
Butchers from Warsaw to Shanghai for a Jewish Slaughter Kept from Evil Committing
踏上上海土地 听到犹太乡音 . 066
Setting Foot into Shanghai to Hear the Jewish Accent
嘉道理办学 小难民欢颜 . 072
Kadoorie Ran the School to Make the Little Refugees Happy
艺术家爱多难土地 清贫中播艺术种子 . 081
Art Seeding in Poverty with the Love for the Land of Misfortune
难民音乐家作曲上海 《玫瑰,玫瑰,我爱你》传世 . 087
Refugee Musician in Shanghai Composed the Legendary Rose, Rose, I Love You
苦中作乐有选美 歌手裁缝成皇后 . 093
A Singer and Tailor Became the Beauty Queen in the Jewish Beauty Contest
弗洛伊德弟子 在沪创办《黄报》 . 100
A Disciple of Freud Started Die Gelbe Post in Shanghai
隔离区的摄影师 避难上海见证人 . 108
A Photographer in the Ghetto Witnessed the Refugees’ Life
隔离区里的犹太人 重视医疗教育文化 . 123
Jews in the Ghetto―Attention was Paid to Health, Education and Culture
难民乃创业能手 维也纳头巾畅销 . 131
The Refugees were Good Entrepreneurs Making the Viennese Scarf a Hit on the
犹太人生意经 重信誉亲情轻 . 137
The Jewish’s Business Knack: Honesty First and Family Second
买卖煤炭求生上海 习惯中国商人礼仪 . 143
Making a Living in Shanghai by Doing Coal Business and Learning Chinese Business
犹太难民文明 善在困境求生 . 149
The Jewish Refugee Civilization―a Strong Willpower of Survival in the Plight
六七岁犹太小孩 凄苦街头卖面包 . 155
A Young Jewish Boy Sold Bread Desolately on the Street
沈石蒂乱世不苟 摄影师瞬间永恒 . 160
Shen Shidi the Photographer Left an Eternal Moment in Days of Turbulence
佐拉赫艰辛奔波 救同胞避难上海 . 169
Zorach Strived through Hardships to Help Compatriots Take Refuge in Shanghai
德国拳王施计谋 犹太孩童躲劫难 . 177
German Boxing Champion Made Attempts to Help Jewish Children Survive
莱卡老板担风险 犹太员工离魔窟 . 186
The Leica Boss Took the Risk to Help the Jewish Employees Escape from the Den of
难民饥饿穷困 劳拉艰辛行善 . 191
Laura Raised Money in Hardships to Help Those in Hunger and Poverty
犹太难民伊马斯 他将根留在中国 . 199
Jewish Refugee Imas Rooted in China
天亮前惨遭空袭 霎时间血肉横飞 . 206
Raid Before Dawn Caused Appalling Bloodshed
上海迎来胜利 恶魔合屋挨揍 . 215
Triumph Welcomed in Shanghai, the Evil Force Wailed out Aloud
德国日本投降日 犹太难民喜庆时 . 223
Jewish Refugees Joyously Celebrated the V-J Day