本书旨在填补国内大学商务英语教材方面的空白。我国飞速发展的改革开放事业,对于培养国际化的经贸人才提出了越来越高的要求。一方面,经贸专业的学生越来越需要具备直接阅读和理解专业英语的能力,另一方面,不少英语专业的学生也把通过原文学习经贸知识作为其语言优势的有益拓展。然而,由于商务英语涉及面广,专业性强,因而这方面的教材编写难度大。市面上发行的经贸英语教材或者局限在某一特定领域,例如经济、金融、国际贸易等,给人以只见木不见林的感觉,或者深度不足。再者,随着以计算机技术与国际互联网为标志的新技术革命的发展,经贸领域的技术创新也层出不穷, 新的经贸语汇应运而生。现有的教材大多未能及时反映这些变化。直接引进的国外英文教材虽然原汁原味,但大多起点过高,不能有针对性地综合提高中国学生的商务英语水平。
Learning Objectives/ 1
Text/ 2
Section One: Accounting Defined/ 2
Section Two: Management Accounting System/ 4
Section Three: Principal Financial Statements/ 6
Section Four: Financial statement Analysis/ 11
Summary/ 15
Note/ 16
Exercises/ 19
Reading between the Lines/ 20
Classic Reference/ 22
Learning Objectives/ 25
Text/ 26
Section One: Management Communication/ 26
Section Two: Corporate Communication/ 36
Summary/ 40
Note/ 40
Exercises/ 46
Clase Studies/ 47
Classic Reference/ 49第3章经济学Economics
Learning Objectives/ 55
Text/ 56
Section One: The Basic Principle of Supply and Demand/ 56
Section Two: Macroeconomics/ 57
Section Three: Microeconomics/ 60
Section Four: International Economics/ 64
Summary/ 66
Note/ 67
Exercises/ 71
Reading between the Lines/ 73
Classic Reference/ 77
Learning Objectives/ 79
Text/ 80
Summary/ 87
Note/ 87
Exercises/ 93
Reading between the Lines/ 94
Classic Reference/ 97
Learning Objectives/ 99
Text/ 100
Section One: Investment Analysis/ 100
Section Two: Financial Management/ 105
Summary/ 112
Note/ 112
Exercises/ 117
Reading between the Lines/ 119
Classic Reference/ 126
131第6章国际商务 International Business
Learning Objectives/ 131
Text/ 132
Summary/ 135
Note/ 136
Exercises/ 139
Reading between the Lines/ 141
Classic Reference/ 150
151第7章市场营销学 Marketing
Learning Objectives/ 151
Text/ 152
Section One: Marketing Defined/ 152
Section Two: Customer Analysis/ 152
Section Three: Market Analysis/ 155
Section Four: Product Analysis/ 158
Section Five: Pricing Strategies/ 160
Section Six: Distribution Analysis/ 162
Summary/ 163
Note/ 163
Exercises/ 165
Case Studies/ 170
Classic Reference/ 173
175第8章组织行为学 Organizational Behavior
Learning Objectives/ 175
Text/ 176
Section One: Individual Level Analysis/ 176
Section Two: Group Level Analysis/ 186
Section Three: Organizational Level Analysis/ 192
Summary/ 196
Note/ 197
Exercises/ 210
Case Studies/ 211
Classic Reference/ 212219第9章战略管理 Strategic Management
Learning Objectives/ 219
Text/ 220
Section One: Historical Overview of Strategic
Management/ 220
Section Two: Strategy Formation: Three Widely Used
Approaches/ 222
Section Three: The Latest Conventional Wisdom/ 233
Note/ 237
Exercises/ 240
Reading between the Lines/ 242
Classic Reference/ 244
245翻译练习参考译文 Sample Solution to the Translation Exercises