目录 1绪论(Introduction)
1.1学习要求 (Study requirements )
1.2重点知识归纳 (Summary of key knowledge)
1.3典型例题分析 (Analysis of typical examples)
课后习题 Homework
2平面问题的基本理论(Basic Theory of Plane Problems)
2.1学习要求(Study requirements)
2.2重点知识归纳 (Summary of key knowledge)
2.3典型例题分析(Analysis of typical examples)
课后习题 Homework
3平面问题的直角坐标解答(Cartesian Coordinate Solutions for Plane Problems)
3.1学习要求(Study requirements)
3.2重点知识归纳(Summary of key knowledge)
3.3典型例题分析 (Analysis of typical examples)
课后习题 Homework
4平面问题的极坐标解答(Polar CoordinateSolutions for Plane Problems)
4.1学习要求(Study requirements)
4.2重点知识归纳(Summary of key knowledge)
4.3典型例题分析 (Analysis of typical examples)
课后习题 Homework
附录 弹性力学基本方程(平面应力问题,体力为常数) Appendix Basic Equations of Elastic Mechanics (Plane Stress Problem, Body ForceisConstant)