修订原则 1.教材的定位不变。《商务交际英语》旨在帮助读者在国际商务环境下,能够听懂英文的商务信息、新闻、商业对话、采访和访谈,并能就某一商务话题用较为流畅的英文回答问题并表达自己的观点,提高在全球化高科技时代的商务竞争能力、外贸业务素质和英语交际水平。2.选材原则不变。《商务交际英语》力求做到题材广泛,内容精辟,语言规范。选材遵循趣味性、知识性和时效性原则,培养读者在商务环境下的英语听说能力和综合应用能力。增强读者就某一商务话题进行表达和沟通的能力和自主学习的能力。3.经典性与时代性融合。修订后的内容经得起时间考验,文字经得起反复咀嚼,保证了本书的可教性和可学性,充分显示了本书具备较强的生命力。4.增强交际能力训练。修订后的教材着重考虑提高读者的跨文化交际能力和综合文化素养,训练读者在提高语言交际能力的过程中大量消化和吸收语言输入,在学会日、常的、常规性的口头表达方式的同时,能够合理组织和娴熟运用英语语言表达自己的思想。
修订重点 1.更新部分对话。选编时代感强、贴近现代商务、语言流行地道的对话取代部分过时的内容,重新完善每篇对话的注释。2.替换部分相关信息。
Part Ⅰ Business Activities(商务活动)
Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations(建立商务关系)
Unit 2 Attending Conferences(出席商务会议)
Unit 3 Business Management(商务管理)
Unit 4 Office Work(办公室工作)
Unit 5 Telephone Conversations(电话交谈)
Unit 6 Job Interviewing(求职面试)
Unit 7 Business Advertisement(商业广告)
Unit 8 Business Public Relations(商务公关)
Unit 9 Recreational Activities(文娱活动)
Unit 10 Congratulation and Consolation(祝贺与安慰)
Part Ⅱ Business Transactions(商务交易)
Unit 11 Visits and Travel(参观与旅行)
Unit 12 Trade Fair(商品交易会)
Unit 13 Business Negotiations(商务谈判)
Unit 14 Product Description(产品描述)
Unit 15 Operations and Processes(操作与过程)
Unit 16 Marketing and Sales(市场营销)
Unit 17 Delivery and After-Sales(交货及售后服务)
Unit 18 Import and Export(进出口贸易)
Unit 19 At the Customs(海关)
Unit 20 Payment in International Trade(国际贸易付款)
Part Ⅲ Various Businesses(各类商务)
Unit 21 Tourist Industry(旅游业)
Unit 22 Hotel Industry(酒店业)
Unit 23 Shopping Business(购物业)
Unit 24 Banking Business(银行业)
Unit 25 Insurance Business(保险业)
Unit 26 Financial Business(金融业)
Unit 27 Securities Business(证券业)
Unit 28 Investment Business(投资业)
Unit 29 Real Estate Business(房地产业)
Unit 30 Futures Business(期货业)
Birth, marriage and death, these are the greatest events of human life. Many things, good or bad., may happen to us in our lives. But there are three days which are usual!y marked by some kind of special ceremony: the day we are born, the day we get married, and the day we die. These are the three main events in life. We only have a choice in the second of the three : we can only choose whether or not to marry. We have no choice in birth and death. Almost all human beings-from the most primitive to the most civilized-are affected by these three events. The only thing that differs in each society is the way these events are celebrated. In fact, all societies share some common characteristics. Birth is the time of joy. The proud parents receive congratulations and presents on behalf of the newborn. Marriage is also a time of joy. The young couple goes through a special wedding ceremony and receives presents to help them set up their new home. Death is a time of sorrow and is marked by a special ceremony and mourning. The dates of all these three events are usually remembered.