Modernity Now: Reading Post-Colonial GlobalizationBill Ashcroft
Cross-Cultural Critique: Three Canadian Poets′ Use of Classical Chinese PoetryAlison Calder
Pragmatics and LiteratureFu Li
“Let the memory live again”: Memory and Its Role in Literature for Young PeopleMargot Hillel
“Columbus Wrote”: Literacy and Resistance in
Contemporary Canadian First Nations Literature Warren Cariou
Crossing the Border: The Agency of the Post-Indian Warrior in Alexie′s
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time IndianLiu Kedong
John C. Gardner′s Novel October Light
on Counterculture and ExistentialismTamara G. Bogolepova
The Reception of Emily Dickinson′s Poetry in RussiaTatiana Anikeeva
Russian Books in Ha Jin′s WaitingEvgeniya M. Butenina
没有狼的瓦尔登湖--《瓦尔登湖》 与《狼图腾》 的生态意蕴对比
Human Nature in Polyphony: The Complexity of Human Nature as Reflected
in the Polyphonic Features in Coetzee′s The Master of PetersburgLiu Kedong Sun Chang
从《达洛卫夫人》 解析伍尔夫意识流小说的创作
对人性的持续拷问:解读《永远不要弃我而去》 中的生态关怀
《家之随想》 中后现代主义元素