《国际安全研究(2017年第1辑 英文版)》是由国际关系学院主办的《国际安全研究》的对应英文集刊,主题是国际安全理论研究,内容涉及不干涉内政学说、世界体系的发展、历史视角中的三次世界大战、质性和平的条件比较(当代东亚与战后西欧)、当代国际安全的文化价值基础、互联网对国际政治影响机理、中国周边安全环境指标体系及其评估、联合阵线与美国军事干涉等问题的研究。
Let's Focus on Global Security Governance
The Future of Regional Security Governance: Towards an
Asian Concert of Powers
The “Chinese Dragon” and the “Indian Elephant” Standing Shoulder to
Shoulder: China-India Non-traditional Security Cooperation
Power Transition and China-US Security Dilemma in a Nexus of “Same Bed
Different Dreams” and “Riding-Tiger” Conundrums
Consensus Politics and Its International Strategic Effects: A Theoretical
On Separatism and State Recognition
Security Concepts and Climate Change: ASEAN Perceptions and Policies
On the Evolution of the Arctic Route Geo-Security Structure
Notice to Contributors